My business is providing positive pet training solutions.

Animal Behaviourist Shropshire

Has your dog or cat’s behaviour created pandemonium in your home?
I’ll restore peace with practical, proven techniques.

Education Matters

Animal training is an unregulated industry—no required certifications, licenses, or education. So, how do you trust me, a pet behaviourist, to guide you out of turmoil into tranquility? I hold myself to a higher standard because I value your trust.That’s why I completed my MSc in Clinical Animal Behaviour at Lincoln University and earned an internationally recognised credential from Reading University as a Certified Professional Coach. Revel in your pet’s remarkable change with well-founded training techniques I’ve derived from veterinary behavioural experts and Henley Business School.

Experience You Can Trust

You deserve guidance from a dog and cat behaviourist and trainer who combines the latest animal behaviour modification methods with successful, hands-on experience to help resolve your pet’s troublesome behaviours.

That’s why I spent years designing practical pet training solutions for my clients at Blue Cross Hospital, Vet4 Pets Veterinary Practice, and Lincoln University’s Animal Behaviour Clinic.

I love creating the perfect training programme—unique to every family and pet—that easily fits into your busy schedule. Enjoy the best from your dog or cat with my customised solutions.

Helping Pets & People

It’s my mission to make your life better with the power of positive pet training.

That’s why I’ve developed my animal husbandry and training skills for the past 16 years by completing an internationally recognised natural horsemanship training course, rehabilitating rescue dogs for Stokenchurch Dog Rescue, and caring for dogs and cats via my walking and pet sitting business, Walks and Purrs.

I’ll ease the burden and stress caused by your fighting felines, howling hound, or peeing puppy. With my support, you’ll delight in your pet’s behaviour.

Guiding Principle

My hot-blooded, highly-strung horse aptly named Highflyer unseated me so often I had head-to-toe bruises. With every new behaviour I compassionately and humanely taught Highflyer, my edgy mare blossomed into a people-loving, confident companion.

That’s why I only use gentle, positive training methods while providing effective dog, puppy, cat, or kitten behavioural solutions.

Experience the freedom that comes from sharing life with an animal who happily makes good choices while retaining the fun personality you fell in love with — just like I do with my Highflyer.

My Secret for Your Success

Before I found my life’s calling as a pet behaviourist, I was a customer relations specialist where I listened to my clients’ needs—the first step in resolving any behavioural issue.

That’s why I’ll listen to your dog or cat concerns before providing an honest assessment and straightforward solutions, improving your pet’s behaviour—and your quality of life.

If you’re losing sleep worrying about dog or cat conundrums, I’ll provide relief. Tell me your pet troubles and I’ll create a personalized training plan to restore calm to your home.

Animal Behaviourist Shropshire

Credentials at a Glance


  • Certified Dog Behaviour Consultant, International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants
  • Stokenchurch Dog Rescue – Behaviour and Rehabilitation Consultant
  • Vets4Pets, Maidenhead – Behaviour Specialist
  • The Animal Behaviour Clinic, Lincoln University – Assistant Behaviourist
  • Blue Cross Hospital, Grimsby – Volunteer Behaviour Consultant
  • Walks and Purrs – Owner, Walker, and Pet Sitter


  • MSc Clinical Animal Behaviour, Lincoln University
  • Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour accredited
  • Life Skills for Puppies Trainer
  • Certificate in Professional Coaching, Henley Business School
  • Parelli Natural Horsemanship – Level Three Graduate


  • The British Veterinary Behaviour Association – Master’s Thesis
  • Journal of Behavioural Processes, 15 March 2017 – Facial correlates of emotional behaviour in domestic cat (Felis catus)


  • IAABC – International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants
  • BVBA – British Veterinary Behaviour Association

2024 Events

  • The ‘Lemonade Conference’ – IAABC and FENZI Dog Sports Academy.
  • Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors Veterinary Behaviour conference
  • Crufts 2024
  • ‘Dogs with Big Feelings’, Conference. Fenzi Dog Sports Academy
    Dog Behaviourist Shropshire

    Allow me to guide you through training success. Give me a ring.

    Dog Behaviourist Shropshire

    Allow me to guide you through training success. Give me a ring.

    My lovely clients agree.

    We absolutely recommend Valerie if you and your pet are need of some coaching and support. I lacked confidence as a first time pet owner – good to read books but putting puppy skills into practice is a different matter altogether. Valerie patiently (and with great humour) helped us to understand our Vizsla better giving us great tips and techniques to bring about better behaviours (in all of us!) A big thumbs up for and thank-you to Valerie; we think you’re fab:-)

    Debbie & Timm

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    Animal Behaviourist Shropshire
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    Dog Behaviourist Shropshire
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